Help please guys...……


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Dec 29, 2013

Desigirl A.

Guys a lot of people get cramps while PMSing but my lower part of my back hurts and it won't go away until an hour or 2 later please help what can I do??

Dec 29, 2013

Desigirl A.

Hope I made sense ⬆️

Dec 29, 2013

Shannon B.

It makes sense to me.
You could take ibuprofen to get rid of the pain for that amount of time. You can even take something else if you like.
Does it feel like it is cramping up in the lower back maybe? Or is it something else and it just hurts?

Dec 29, 2013

Roz X.

Muscle pain and fatigue often accompanies menstruation. Blah Heating pads are amazing, but if you're out and about, wear a thermal heat patch. They last for hours. If it continues, I'd talk to my gyne. Often, their nurse will field questions on the phone.

Dec 29, 2013

Eleanor M.

Yeah same happens to me, I hate it, I usually take some medicine like Hollie said.

Dec 29, 2013

Halie C.

That's what happens to me to migrane pills

Dec 29, 2013

Samantha O.

This also happens to me so I suggest using a heating pad on your lower back because it really helps me! I hope I helped!

Dec 29, 2013

Sloane M.

Mine does that too. Like Samantha, a heating pad feels really good!

Dec 30, 2013

Caitlin S.

This happens to me all the time I love my heating pad at that time of the month :)