Feedback on portfolio


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Dec 19, 2013

Rachel V.

Hi everyone! I'm an aspiring makeup artist and would love some feedback on my portfolio and website as well as makeup techniques.

thank you!!

Dec 19, 2013

Emily D.

Hi Rachel!

First of all, you do beautiful makeup! The eyeshadow looks are absolutely stunning! Your photography is really professional looking as well. I would try to replicate your last four photos for every client, how you did two open eyed and two closed. I was really taken aback by how many testimonials you have! That's great, and it actually shows potential clients that you not only do great makeup, but that you're knowledgable and professional. Nobody wants an MUA who is hard to work with. Really great website overall! If you don't have one, you should start a YouTube channel and do some tutorials! :)

Dec 20, 2013

Rachel V.

Thank you so much Emily! I do have a youtube channel and I'm working on building that up as well! I'll make sure to replicate the pattern of the last 4 photos on my portfolio. I agree that'll definitely help! I appreciate your feedback tremendously :) I'm still in college (I'm only 19) so it'll help as I learn more about business!

Dec 24, 2013

Curiosidades E.

Nice the before and after shots...well done girl :)!