Nose piercing help!!


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Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

I got my nose pierced two days ago, the piercing itself isn't painful unless I pull or press on the stud, what I'm worried about is when I went to adjust the wire inside my nose I touched the side and right next to my piercing is this really hard bump, it hurts to touch it and I'm king of worries about what it is :/ any ideas??

Dec 11, 2013

Cristina A.

Hard bump.

its infected.

Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

Shit really?? It doesn't even feel like it's part of my nose 0.o

So that's definitely what it is??

Dec 11, 2013

Faith J.

Not for sure. It could just be a pimple or it not being cleaned correctly

Try tea tree oil and if that doesn't work then if it's still there after a month see your dermatologist

Dec 11, 2013

Faith J.

I hope that helped.

Dec 11, 2013

Faith J.


And here's a website with different ideas

Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

Aww thankyou so much! It's got me a bit worried honestly aha I'll check it out :)

Dec 11, 2013

Katelyn P.

I got my nose pierced and had a narley bump (pimple looking bump) on the outside of the hole its was terrible and everyone would ask so I finally took it out. I think they are cute as sh*t but I couldn't take I definitely say clean it and ask a dr just to make sure there is no problem.

Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

Ouch the inside of the hole?? Omg that would be painful D: yeah like it's not bothering me, it only hurts if I touch it but now I can't stop worrying about what it might be aha.

Dec 11, 2013

Katelyn P.

Just keep cleaning and maybe not touching it as often and maybe give it some time. its new so maybe its not something to worry about.

Dec 11, 2013

Brianna M.

Saline solution only. My friend had the same problem so we talked to the piercer and he said only put saline solution on it what happend was you just got a little infection but saline solution will take care of it and there's nothing to worry about and you don't have to take it out either

Dec 11, 2013

Cristina A.

If the bump dost heel in like 2 weeks you do need to take it out ' cause it is infection due to the piercing. and even more if it hurts.

Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

Aw okay sweet :) cause I'll see how it goes, keeping cleaning and hopefully it goes away on it's own ☺️

Dec 11, 2013

Millie C.

Use tea tree oil to clean it, it'll sort it out real quick. Quicker than with sea salt!

Dec 11, 2013

Jess P.

Thankyouu!! I'll make sure I give that a go if it doesn't go away in the next few days!

Dec 11, 2013

Gabriela L.

I ordered some stuff off of Amazon Called H2ocean its great piercings! I had my industrial done and those piercings started to develop these puss filled bumps I don't know why I started applying the spray a few days ago now it's completely healed up this stuff works wonders!

Dec 11, 2013

Gabriela L.

I meant its great healing up piercings lol.

Dec 11, 2013

Marybeth M.

Don't touch it or move it after 2 weeks! I had that too before. Just heat up some water put SEA salt and use a q tip to dab it on the inside and out twice a day and it will go away :)

Dec 11, 2013

Brianna M.

I always go with what a professional piercer says and my piercer said for my friend to don't take her stuff out but to put saline solution on the outside and inside of where it's pierced. But that's just what my piercer said it's your body I just know that saline solution is the most gentle way to make that go away. Saline solution actually is what you use to help with babies stuffy nose so it's very gentle. I wouldn't recommend putting any type of oil on it, that could clog anything that is trying to heal and could make it worst tea tree oil is great for other things I'm just not sure if it's good for this type if thing. My piercer is a professional working in a tattoo shop and has taken safety and blood borne infection classes and and he said to use saline solution in your nose because it is the most gentle way and will not irritate it anymore that it already is

Dec 11, 2013

Bryn N.

I'm not a professional but I've had my nose pierced and from my experience that sounds like a keloid, you can get them from bumping your new piercing or playing around with it too much. I would suggest avoiding touching it and if you need to always wash your hands first, and definitely keep applying a saline solution to it. If it persists I would go to your piercing artist.

Dec 11, 2013

Laura N.

H2ocean is the shit!

Dec 11, 2013

Maria K.

It could be some extra skin that had nowhere else to go,and it created a bump.just keep cleaning it..if it doesn't go away in 2-3 weeks,go to your piercer..I had something similar on my tragus,and I had to take it out..after taking out the bump went can clean it with warm water with sea salt,or you can buy H2Ocean..good luck :)

Dec 12, 2013

Aisling B.

Do NOT take out the jewellery. If it is infected, then the piercing will close and trap the infection inside the piercing. You want the infection to clear before you close the piercing. However, this doesn't sound like an infection to me- it sounds like a keloid, which happens if the piercing is touched too much. Did you accidentally pull on it when you were removing clothing, or have you been poking at the piercing a lot? If the area is red, swollen and hot to touch, then it's an infection. If the bump is hard, skin-coloured and not easy to notice, then it's a keloid. They can take quite a while to clear up. Don't touch it unless you're cleaning it- clean with a saline solution. I've never tried H2Ocean on my piercings, but it seems to be getting great reviews :)

Dec 12, 2013

Chloe D.

It's probably scar tissue build up I've had mine pierced for 6 years now. Make sure you clean it and don't touch it also tea tree oil really helps put it on the bump

I went through the same thing and what I did was I used peroxide even though that's probably not the best thing to use lol... But anyways, it basically erupted and a few days later the bump was gone :3