Does Baby Oil.?


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Dec 11, 2013

Tania S.

Does baby oil remove your pimples?

Dec 11, 2013

Sarah H.

Noooo...anything with a relatively oily consistency would most likely make them worse..oil is a part of what can cause pimples.

Dec 11, 2013

Lorna G.

Unfortunately I haven't tried that Tania... However for my pimples I found toning my face with rose water helped significantly. The plus side to rose water is it's really cheap as well :) I hope this helps Tania 😘

Dec 11, 2013

Axita S.

No I dnt think so...

Dec 11, 2013

Shanice D.

It makes it worse x

Dec 11, 2013

Caitlin M.

Most natural oils won't make acne worse but there's not really anything natural about baby oil. It's man made and very refined. If you want to use an oil I suggest coconut oil, argan oil or maracuja oil. Just make sure they are all organic, virgin, cold-pressed natural oils. There shouldn't be any ingredients in it other than the oil itself.

But oil is NOT what causes acne. It's the lack of oil that contributes to acne. The skin is dehydrated so it produces it's own oil and that oil gets trapped in the pores So yes, it does cause acne but that's only because the skin cells don't turn over fast enough, so there's dead skin keeping dirt and oil trapped in the pores/follicles. Usually using an oil is good for the skin. I say usually only because everyone's skin is different and nothing is guaranteed to work for everyone. But moisturizing with a natural oil can be very good for the skin.

Dec 11, 2013

Kenzie L.

Caitlin said it best :)

Dec 11, 2013

Tania S.

thanks jus wondering

Dec 11, 2013

Lexi K.

Actually mineral oil is 100% natural taken directly out of our dear Mother Earth. :)

Coconut oil can cause more breakouts than mineral oil

I find that mineral oil is excellent for removing clogged pores (not pimples) when it comes to oil cleansing.

Please read this article about the myths and facts on mineral oil. It actually has scientific research to back it up, and not "word of mouth"

Dec 13, 2013

April R.

I would never put it on my face, but I shave with baby oil and it's AMAZING!! My legs are SOOOO SOFT! A word of caution...take care when using oils in the shower - it can get slippery!!