How do guys like makeup on girls?


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Dec 9, 2013

Mariah C.

How have you worn your makeup when you receive compliments from guys?

Dec 9, 2013

Jennifer S.

I don't usually get comments from guys, and if I ever do I quickly stop them in their tracks by saying "I didnt ask how my makeup looks," or "I didnt wear it for you"

Dec 9, 2013

Bemnia L.

Guys don't really compliment my makeup in my experience. usually they'll just say I look great, or that I look nice that day or that I'm pretty :) the makeup I've had on when I receive those complements has been very different sometimes I look natural, sometimes I have very bold makeup on and other times I'm not wearing any makeup at all.

Dec 9, 2013

Mistreece L.

I've heard a lot of guys say they don't like when a girl has on too much makeup. some don't like bold lips either. just depends on his preference. I'm thinking most Men however don't really care as long as it looks good.

Dec 9, 2013

Katelyn P.

Just the other day me and the hubby were going to go to dinner with friends so I did it done makeup on oint and looked cute so of course I ask "how do I look?" his answer "I like you with no makeup better" oh the the look I gave him coulda killed. so to finally answer the question...none. lol.

Dec 9, 2013

Kyraa D.

I don't usually get specific comments about my makeup from guys, but I find when I keep it simple, I get a decent amount of attention. I think it's honestly less intimidating for guys.
I usually just do a winged liner & a nude lip or something like that. nothing crazy :p
sometimes I do go all out tho! that's always funn!

Dec 9, 2013

Erin M.

Guys don't normally compliment my makeup, but how I look overall. I get compliments mostly when I have nothing on (which my boyfriend prefers) but when I'm not at work I'm out and about with my boyfriend and he's a rather muscular guy so they look but don't say much. My boyfriend normally compliments my makeup most when I'm wearing golds, purples, or blues.

Dec 9, 2013

Melissa S.

I mostly do a nice cat eye with a natural coloured eyeshadow with some powder and I'm usually always getting positive vibes & feedbacks!

Dec 9, 2013

Madison W.

A very natural look. Like mascara, eyebrows (don't overdo them), eye shadow that brings out your eye color, and a lip color that compliments your skin tone.

Dec 9, 2013

Naomi L.

I've never known a guy to comment on makeup lol cause personally I don't even think they really notice. But I do think that guys prefer less makeup on a girl.

Dec 9, 2013

Kat A.

Guys have never complimented my make up. just say I look beautiful/pretty/etc. I've never been one for much make up though. 99% of the time I only wear foundation, concealer, mascara, sometimes eye liner.