Deep Conditioner


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Oct 21, 2012

Mackenzie M.

Is it bad to deep conditioner your hair everyday if you have extremely dry and damaged hair?

Oct 21, 2012

Michelle E.

It depends on what your using to DC. If it has a lot of protein in it it can make your hair brittle & prone to breakage, too much moisture && your hair can get mushy like...
You have to find the balance of both to fix your hair. I think every other day or 2x a week might be better than everyday only bc idk if it would help any more to do it everyday.

I like to use a heat cap with my dc as well for extra penetration, you can use a hot towel out the drier or wear a beanie around the house over your shower cap to trap the heat in your head if you don't have a heat cap

Oct 21, 2012

Evvie P.

It is bad in the sense that it encourages your hair to continuously rely on the routine of having it deeply conditioned everyday. This doesn't actually give your hair enough time to adjust fully to the amount of repair that occurs each time you deeply condition it. On average, depending on how damaged your hair is, you should deeply condition your hair once or twice every week. If possible, apply heat to your hair whilst deep conditioning as this allows maximum penetration. When you wash your hair and aren't deep conditioning, you can still apply a conditioner (for example, Herbal Essences' Hello Hydration Conditioner) on your ends (mid-lengths if need be too) and leave it in for a couple of minutes so that it penetrates.

Also, washing your hair everyday is bad because this does cause hair to become dry. Additionally, you may need to try another deep conditioner because you should be able to feel quite a difference even after doing it once - especially so that you don't feel like you have to do it everyday. I recommend Osmo Deep Moisturising Hair Repair Conditioner.

Hope this has helped!

Oct 21, 2012

Michelle E.

You can also try doing a "pre poo" with coconut oil before you wash. Slather your hair, or just the ends if you have fine hair that gets weighed down easily, in coconut oil before bed. Wear a plastic cap to sleep && wash as you regularly do in the morning.

The coconut oil penetrates the hair shaft and helps to repair & protect. Your hair will be super soft & shiny after you shampoo.

Oct 21, 2012

Juanita W.

I was just about to say what Michelle just said!!! Coconut oil!! I use it all the time!!! And it's lasts a very long time! Best think I've ever put in my hair!! Ever!!

Oct 22, 2012

Tyler V.

No it's not I make my own deep conditioner. I heat up a bottle of honey and pour it into a container. Then slowly pour in the container your favorite conditioner stirr it while you are pouring it in. You need it to be like a gold color. You don't want it to runny or to thick it will thicken up as it sits. After you got it that golden color add a T of olive oil. And a T of aloe:) mix it all up cover and let it for a day or so. Then enjoy:D