Dry hair!! Help needed!!


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Nov 6, 2013

Caitlin C.

I straighten my hair every day so it is extremely dry. Any suggestions to give it back it's softness and shine?!? 😭 Thank you in advance ðŸ˜˜

Nov 6, 2013

Lorelle E.

Always use a heat protectant on your hair! And also deep conditioning helps a lot! And add a tea spoon of olive oil to the conditioner then put it all over your head and put a plastic bag over your hair and keep it on there for a hour!

Nov 6, 2013

Emily M.

Try a hot oil treatment! you can do one at home, (so much cheaper) or at the salon. heat up a bit of olive or coconut oil, for a minute in the microwave. then while hot apply all over your hair, put your hair in a shower cap, then shower after an hour! good luck! also deep condition once a week.

Nov 6, 2013

Eline S.


Nov 7, 2013

Vivienne T.

Do conditioning treatments to keep your hair healthy, like almond oil hair treatments, egg and mayonnaise or avocado hair masks, or an argan oil hair mask from pro naturals to repair and moisturize. That should make your hair look and feel better.