At What appropriate age?


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Nov 19, 2013

Mariam A.

What appropriate age can a girl start using botain pills? Skin and hair pills.

Nov 19, 2013

Jeannie J.

At the age you DONT want to admit. sometime after your 2nd 29th birthday.

Nov 19, 2013

Angel O.

If she is under age she should ask her parents just or atlest notify them, I'm 17 and I told my parents what I was goin to buy and why.

Nov 19, 2013

Rose Y.

I've never known what the deal is with that? Can someone explain? What does that do exactly?

Nov 19, 2013

Ari M.

It help grow hair.

Nov 19, 2013

Shaye M.

You shouldnt take Biotin pills unless you speak with your Dr, like most vitamin supplements they're usually used for a deficiency and will have negative effects on your body if used incorrectly. Also, they don't make your hair grow, they help keep it healthy and strong.

Nov 19, 2013

Ana P.

If you need to ask, then you're too young.

Nov 19, 2013

Kat A.

There isn't an appropriate age, it's something you need to discuss with your doctor.

Nov 19, 2013

Rose Y.

Nope, not too young. Just never had problems with my hair or nails. It's the most bizarre thing to have a problem with.
Pills like that are ridiculous to me. First world problems I tell ya.
I know what they are btw, I just don't understand what the big deal is. Why do you need to tell your parents? I understand the doctor, thanks shaye, that's exactly what I needed to know.
But thanks for replying Ana, that was so helpful of you!

Nov 19, 2013

Danielle B.

Uh, never because it won't do anything. Nothing will make your hair grow faster and they don't make your skin any different either. Unless a doctor says you need them, don't bother.

Nov 19, 2013

Mariam A.

I never said will it help my hair grow? no.. I just ask because my hair is thinin and I need it to be healthy again (My hair) I just asked What appropriate age. and Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.

Nov 19, 2013

Kitty K.

Mariam, Biotin has nothing to do with your hair. Don't get offended because others are warning you that if you don't need it you don't need it. Side effects of biotin are crazy, if you feel your hair is thinning excessively you should see a doctor who can conduct exams and let you know what vitamins to take.

Nov 19, 2013

Emily M.

Everyone seems to always say bad stuff about biotin and how it makes you sick. I've taken it and I'm perfectly fine, so just talk to your doctor the next time you go and see what he/she says! x

Nov 19, 2013

Devin W.

As long as your parents are ok with it and you check it by your doctor there is no "appropriate" age. From my use and other people I know who have used it we have seen strength in our nails brightening in our skin and more shine in our hair not really thickening in our hair :) Hope I helped.

Nov 19, 2013

Olivia b.

Don't take the biotin pills, I recommend the biotin hair moisturizer, it keeps hair healthy & strong

Nov 21, 2013

Danielle B.

Uh, it won't make it healthy again either. You can do whatever you want. But wasting money and putting something in your body you don't need isn't a smart idea. Everyone thinks "oh they're just vitamins, they can't hurt you, they're good for you blahblah"

Well there is a reason why they child proof them because if you get too high of levels of certain things, they can even kill you. So don't get an attitude with me because I tell you to talk to a doctor and the truth which is they won't do crap for your hair. Don't believe me? Feel free to pick up a copy of Milady Standard Cosmetology or ask your doctor who would probably know something about it as well, or an intelligent hair dresser.