Lipstain color


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Sep 28, 2012

Qaiya M.

I'm looking for a really good lipstain color that looks natural for my complexion (tanned/ medium brown) so plz help!!

Sep 28, 2012

Falah M.

I own Revlon Just Bitten, those are great and where I'm from they sell out like crazy all the time. The line includes a very nude color (I think it's called Honey), but I don't remember exactly because I own a few of the more pink/purple colors. Perhaps check it out in the products section of this app.. it usually includes all the shades that a product comes it.

Sep 28, 2012

Mary P.

try theBalm cosmetics "Stainiac"

Sep 29, 2012

Kelly G.

I'm going to second Falah on the Revlon just bitten, especially the balm stains. Those are some great lip stains. I can't give you an exact color, because I have the berry and red ones (I love Crave!). Also, NYX makes great stains too for $5! Can't beat that price!