Oil instead of soap.


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Nov 18, 2013

Brittaney B.

I read an article in the December issue of Cosmo about a woman using oil to clean her face and body and I have heard of many people ditching soap and using oil instead. I am asking for a bottle of oil specifically made for cleansing your face for Christmas, but I would like something to replace my body wash as well. The article was vague and didn't give specifics on what type to use or how to apply it. I am hoping there is a natural, inexpensive oil I can use (coconut or olive). Has anyone used oil in place of soap? How did you use it and what kind?

Nov 18, 2013

Beth F.

I tried the oil cleansing method for a month on my face. It worked wonders. I mixed 1:3 ratio of castor oil and extra virgin olive oil... Massage on face in the shower for about a minute.. Then use a hot wash cloth to steam your face.. Then wipe it clean. Left my face feeling soft and also cleared up acne :)

Nov 18, 2013

Gen C.

I havent even heard of that, but I have switched my face moisturizer to an oil moisturizer!

Nov 18, 2013

Gen C.

I don't think you can replace soap with an oil. I would feel dirty still lol, just swich to an organic body wash, then in shower use a oil body moisturiser.

Nov 18, 2013

Michelle C.

Hi, new to this! ☺️ I get so nervous when it comes to using anything oily on my face, my face is so sensitive. It tends to be dry when it gets colder out, but since I heard that oil cleaning remedy as well, what kind of face oils are good for combo/sensitive skin?

Nov 18, 2013

Brittaney B.

Http://www.theoilcleansingmethod.com/ this is what I am finding when it comes to your face, but I was wondering if there was something comparable for your body. Thank you, Beth! I'm hoping it will work for me, too!

Nov 18, 2013

Lama K.

I don't know about any oil cleansing for the body but I know for sure that a lot of skin care lines are releasing oil cleansers, they are also okay to use for people with oily skin from my tid bits of research on it.

Nov 18, 2013

Anna S.

I use coconut oil at night to remove my makeup and cleanse my face. When I am wearing heavy eye makeup it tends to kinda smear it over my face but using a hot wet washcloth afterwards removes most of it. My face feels really soft and supple but not "deep clean" so sometimes I use a makeup removing wipe on top of that. Usually I feel like I don't need to moisturize on top of that. In the mornings I still use a "normal" cleanser and follow with a moisturizer, I feel that preps my skin better for makeup... Hope this helps.

Nov 18, 2013

Clara T.

I want to try the oil cleansing, I just read the article that Brittaney posted, but it said to be careful and not do it too often. So on days I don't use oil, what would I use? I wouldn't want to use soap or face wash because it seems like that would defeat the purpose and strip my natural oils all over again. Does anyone have a regimen that works?

Nov 18, 2013

Anna S.

Clara, for my "regular" cleanser I just use Cetaphil with one of those new exfoliating sponges that have been popping up everywhere. Made from Konjac tree roots or something else exotic and trendy lol. It works pretty well. I also occasionally use the Lush Ocean Salt scrub. Love it but it is expensive.

Nov 18, 2013

Anna S.

I am acne prone and a lot of times I used to be really bad and lazy and sleep in my makeup because I didn't feel like going through all the steps of removing my makeup and washing my face and moisturizing. But since I've learned about how awful it is for your skin to sleep in makeup, I decided I have no excuse not to try this quick one step (basically) routine at night. Now I can't imagine going to sleep without it, it feels like a mini facial (I love the smell of coconut oil). The only exception is if I shower at night, I will usually just wash my face in the shower with my regular cleanser. But most days I shower in the mornings. Since starting this routine, I break out way way way less. Even on my period! And when I do break out, the acne doesn't last as long and isn't as "angry" lol. This is probably due mostly to not sleeping in my makeup anymore, but I know for me the oil cleansing method is what made that attainable.

Nov 18, 2013

Alyx T.

What I've learnt about oil cleansing came from these videos and some research online. It seems like a good method and once you find the right method for your skin you get beautiful results it seems. I think it's all trial and error finding which oil works for you. Some people swear by coconut oil, some people it breaks them out. Just depends on you.
YouTube links: cloudy apples on her olive oil and castor oil cleansing - http://youtu.be/bTQhXmL5FqU
Secretlifeofabionerd on her experience with oil cleansing (super helpful!) - http://youtu.be/T5vpJe2vFMk
I thought I had more, but I'm definitely blanking right now.

And I have this saved from some website that I don't remember what, but it's the most common basic oil cleansing routines.

Nov 18, 2013

Clara T.

Thanks everyone! This seems to really make sense to me and I am looking to try something new. My once clear skin has recently been broken out along the jaw line, and all over it is dull and looks suffocated and flaky! :(