Should I dye my hair?


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Nov 17, 2013

Savannah J.

My entire life, I've had blonde hair. Like, VERY blonde. And recently, my teachers and friends have called me ditzy, even talking to me differently than others because they assume I'm "ditzy". I'm in all honors and AP classes, and it's starting to make me upset. I've been wanting a change of color for years now, but maybe a bit of help would be nice? What's a good color for me? :)

Nov 17, 2013

Veronica E.

Can you post a pic of what you would like to have your ombré hair to look like?

Nov 17, 2013

Taylor S.

First off that's VERY uncalled for and just plain unprofessional for a teacher to treat you differently just because of your hair color. I honestly would report them. I think you look very cute as a blonde!

Nov 17, 2013

Melina R.

I like blonde hair all blondes are fun then I dyed it brown and it never returned maybe a light brown.

Nov 17, 2013

Savannah J.

I know, it sucks. I have anxiety and ADD, so my teachers assume its all just my hair. it sucks. But thank you! my boyfriend likes me blonde too, haha ;) And here ya go Veronica, I hope this is what you want! :)

Nov 18, 2013

Noa W.

Totally keep your hair the way it is! That color blonde looks very good on you

Nov 18, 2013

Micaela G.

I love blonde on you, and personally you shouldn't change something because someone else is putting you down or they don't like it, I bleach my hair so I'm not naturally blonde and I always get called dumb, slutty, fake, stupid it dosnt make sense to me why people would treat you differently because of hair colour, your a very pretty girl and you could pretty much pull any colour off I just don't think you should go to dark like a jet black or what ever I think a nice chocolate brown would look really nice xx good luck love

Savannah J.

Baltimore, Maryland