Dyeing hair black?


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Nov 18, 2013

Jayden L.

So I've always had the desire to dye my hair black. however, I didn't think it'd work. like, ever. mostly because I'm a really, really pale ginger. I know blue-black is out of the question, but is there a way to make it work?

Nov 18, 2013

Samantha S.

The question you are asking is a little confusing, are you asking if you'd think the color would look well on you or if you'll be able to dye it properly?

Nov 18, 2013

Jayden L.

I'm asking if the color would work, the dye process itself isn't a problem. just the color I want.

Nov 18, 2013

Rebecca B.

I'm naturally blonde and I've dyed my hair black for years. I think as long as you tint your eyebrows to match, it'd look great! You could also start with a dark brown and gradually get darker to see what works. Or, you could do what I did and first did a semi permanent black dye to see if I liked it or not. :)

Nov 18, 2013

Whitney S.

I have pale skin and black hair. And I feel like nothing would look better now after 5 years of coloring it black. I agree with Rebecca tho you have to make sure your eyebrows match. It's really just a preference tho. I honestly like the complimentary black hair on pale skin.

Nov 18, 2013

Sarah Y.

Don't do it.plain and simple.I'm being honest so you don't ruin your hair. you can't go dark when your born even near ginger that's why your born like that.

Nov 18, 2013

Shaye M.

I'm a ginger and had black hair for years and every colour in between and started when I started high school. If I were you I'd keep your natural colour and I know as bad as you may want to dye it youll regret it in 6 years when you wish youd just left it alone. Put some light blonde highlights in it if you really want a nice change :) x

Nov 18, 2013

Shaye M.

But you can make it work, yes! I just filled in my eyebrows because I wore makeup everyday anyways and it looked normal, you just have to find a makeup routine to suit it and youll be fine and itll look fine but Still think about whether youre going to want to dye regrowth every 2-4 weeks because thats what I had to do and in the long run was a lot harder to get colour builup out to go lighter colours when I got sick of black. My hair is brown now and I still miss black hair but tbh it's not worth it in the long run if you decided to keep it lovely.

Nov 18, 2013

Shaye M.

Also your hair doesn't even look that ginger, in a few years it may look a more brown colour. Trust meeee! :)