Best way to clean hair brushes.


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Aug 29, 2013

Candace J.

I was wondering what techniques you girls had for cleaning all the hair and lint out of brushes.

Aug 29, 2013

Anupa M.

I take a tooth brush I'm not going to use for anything else, add some rubbing alcohol to brush and then run the toothbrush along the bristles. this is the best method I found to get hair and buildup out of standard hair brushes :) hope this helps

Aug 29, 2013

Candace J.

Wow thanks. its one of those wet brushes. its really hard for me to clean it.

Aug 29, 2013

Anupa M.

Oh yeah, haha I feel you >< I hope this makes things easier then!! :) clean brushes = good hair day!

Aug 29, 2013

Candace J.

Haha true thanks :)
have a great day :)