Want To Get Rid Of Acne.


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Sep 8, 2013

Rachel C.

I have some acne that I really want to get rid of! I mean who likes acne?!?! But yeah I had pimples since 6th grade, they're getting better now though! I'm using the AcneFree one and it's pretty good, but I want them more out! Please help me!!

Sep 8, 2013

Adaria S.

I get pretty big red zits and my time of the month and the used the last forever but now I use tea tree oil and it works great ya I might get like one pimple but barely ever, it doesn't seem to help with blackheads though.

Sep 8, 2013

Adaria S.

Durring my time*

Benzoyl Peroxide. It is by far the most researched and most effective in getting rid of pimples.
Also, tea tree oil is amazing especially when used as a spot treatment. I like the grease lightning by lush

Sep 8, 2013

Adaria S.

Tea tree oil defenetly does have a bad smell!

Sep 8, 2013

Halle C.

Try Spectro gel if you use there lotion and cleanser for a month you will notice a dramatic difference in your skin!! I really recommend it. You can get it at Walmart :)

Sep 8, 2013

Rebecca B.

Just go for a swim at the beach :). The salt water dries up your acne. It's great!!

Sep 8, 2013

Hanna R.

Benzoyl peroxide. I put it on a pimple last night and when I woke up this morning it was gone. Just a little dab on the affected area is enough. Also it can stain bed sheets, towels, pillowcases, etc.so I would place a white towel or pillowcase over your pillow when going to bed.