Help! Kinda gross but..


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Sep 9, 2013

Clara G.

Hi guys
So this is kind of gross but over the past few days I've noticed the skin on the sides of the fingers on my left hand drying up and peeling off... It has never happened to me before.
I take good care of my hands, I always moisturise and make sure they're never dry... I'm one of those people who gets super freaked out if my hands are dry, I can't stand it.
So why is this happening?
Ps. I'm not using any new products, nothing has changed in my skin care routine

Sep 9, 2013

Leanda B.

Maybe it's the change in weather. I know in winter my hands become a little dry.

Sep 9, 2013

Rubie V.

That happens to my bro,when weather changes.

Sep 9, 2013

Kenzie L.

If you work in an office setting where there's lots of paperwork. that will suck the moisture out of your hands. cardboard does too.

Sep 10, 2013

Audra B.

Maybe you have been doing something too often with your hands? Like writing and its created a small callus on your hand but since its moist, it peels right off. I am so rough with my hands that this happens to me allllll the time. I used to do landscaping and was a chef at my last job so my hands absolutely hate me. not to mention I tried to teach myself guitar...fingertips are shot now too lol. your skin has to shed at some point. I would try making a hand scrub. try a couple drops of dawn dish soap, some olive oil and sugar. work it into your hands for at least 1-2 mins and they will look and feel brand new!