I need an opinion on a picture.


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Aug 31, 2013

Anupa M.

Is this for anything in particular? I don't see anything wrong with it, maybe you can crop the right bit (like the couch not you) so the attention is focused on you. Just as a personal rule of thumb, if I have doubt about a picture I don't post it...but that's just me. :) good luck

Aug 31, 2013

Becca L.

You look great!

Aug 31, 2013

Lynzie B.

I agree with anupa.. but y are you not sure about it.

Aug 31, 2013

Emily W.

Why do you have headphones on? It gives kind of a bad impression; people who walk around with headphones in their ears cut themselves off from others and it can be disrespectful.

Aug 31, 2013

Maxime M.

Take away the earphones and sit up straight! And smile :)

Aug 31, 2013

Melanie G.

Smile :)

Aug 31, 2013

Corinne P.
