My Look Today


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Aug 31, 2013

Makayla L.

Hey everyone do you like my look today it's natural and simple haha sorry I look bad in the pic and don't mind my face I got bored and like fishes haha?

Aug 31, 2013

Diana S.

I love your hair!!

Aug 31, 2013

Makayla L.

Here that a little better you can see the whole thing now

Aug 31, 2013

Makayla L.


Aug 31, 2013

Makayla L.

Oh and btw it's a little wet caz I took a shower a little while before it and it dryes really slowly.

Aug 31, 2013

Makayla L.

thanks lol

Aug 31, 2013

Chrissy M.

Hahahahahshahahahhaahahahhahahah makayla you are my surer

Aug 31, 2013

Chrissy M.


Aug 31, 2013

Herrrraa--- F.

Wow! You're looking gorgeous girl!! (: