Survival kit for high school?


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Aug 31, 2013

Emma M.

So I'm going into high school and I want to be prepared for it anything I need?

Aug 31, 2013

Harley L.

Do all your homework! It actually matters now

Aug 31, 2013

Lily C.

Pads/tampons, bobbie pins, hair tyes, handsinitizer, tissues, wallet, extra money, deodorant, body mist, an lotion!!

Aug 31, 2013

Lily C.

Listen to your teachers and don't get as distracted in class!! Tale good notes so when you look back at them you'll understand.

Aug 31, 2013

Liz B.

Keep a pencil in every bag you have

Aug 31, 2013

Rachel R.

Good one Harley! Go into it being open minded and friendly :) yes I agree with lily too!

Aug 31, 2013

Angel O.

Be organized
try to all your hwk
be nice to teachers cuz if something happens they will hv your back :)
kindness goes along way no gossiping or startting drama cuz its bad

Aug 31, 2013

Emma M.

Thank you guys :)

Sep 1, 2013

Sidney R.

Have a different binder for each class! And write your homework on a sticky note(:

Sep 1, 2013

Emma M.

Oh I agree. I'm so bad at keepig track of sruff.

Sep 1, 2013

Mikayla B.

Don't get caught up in the wrong crowd. Lol I partied waaaay to much, but I graduated! but it was tough.

Sep 1, 2013

Davida C.

Extra outfit in your locker never know what's going to happen!

Sep 1, 2013

Shaye M.

Don't hang out with the wrong people and try as hard as you can to get good grades! :}

Sep 1, 2013

Kailah C.

I'm going into high school this year too! My essentials in my bag other than my books are lipbalm, a nail file, mascara, perfume, pads/tampons, hairties, bobby pins, a small brush or comb, small mirror, and this face cream that takes the red away from your pimples. It might sound like a lot but it doesn't take up that much space c: Also you should have sticky notes to use as bookmarks or notes on your binders or textbooks 📝📓✒

Sep 1, 2013

Jasmine H.

Always have one BEST friend that's there no matter what! Don't both about your friends! Do homework! Make sure you have your 5 aday- pen (x2) pencil ruler rubber

Sep 9, 2013

Jasmine H.

*bitch instead of both.