What is the secret to smooth flawless looking skin??


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Sep 4, 2013

Lisa P.

I don't have acne but I have a couple blemishes...how can I get that smooth look?? What fades blemishes besides cocoa butter, I don't want to clog my pores...

Also is it possible to get rid of raised scars on my face?? I want smooth skin again...I was in a bad car accident as a child and glass cut my forehead and chin. I want a clear face...I see people with skin like that all the time. I feel like I'm missing the secret. Lol someone let me in on it...

Sep 4, 2013

Aimee H.

You could use lemon juice on your scars to help fade them. But other than that: cleanse and tone your face in the morning (and at night if you have time) you could also use a gentle exfoliating scrub. I haven't got scares on my face so I haven't tried working with them. But I'm sure there must be something out there to help even just a bit! Try google? Or even dermatology at the hospital. Good luck I hope I helped a bit x

Sep 4, 2013

Aimee H.


Sep 4, 2013

Meg K.

Ok I wouldn't recommend using cocoa butter on your face if it is for your body. You should get a three step plan that is directly aimed at your skin type, brands such as Clinique are good for this and will be able to give you a product that will help reduce the appearance of these you desired scars and blemishes. However, sadly there is no product on the market that will rid you of scars, a dermatologist would be a good option as they an help you to try and reduce the scarring

Sep 4, 2013

Carmen R.

Story of my life , I had a car accident too and I also got a pretty big scar on my forehead n on top of my head yep I almost die :( but god gave me A SECOND CHANCE... & believe I know how it feels when you see other girls with clear skin or at list no scar :'( but what I do now is try to appreciate that I'm still alive n the scar I have I see it like a kiss from God who was protecting me that day :) n now I am not going to lie n said I love it but having it thrr just reminds me every day how wonderful n how beautiful is GOD :)

Sep 4, 2013

Carmen R.

I didn't edit dz pix ok is just the way the cam took them hopefully you can see it (it looks like a lil bump on top of my eyebrow

Sep 4, 2013

Carmen R.

Another one alil lighter._.

Sep 4, 2013

Carmen R.

I hope I helped

Sep 4, 2013

Kiah H.

Know your skin. is it combination or oily or dry. I use the st ives line. I exfoliate then use the face wash to get extra dirt out. Then I use a lotion call ponds. I take about a knuckle full (I use my knuckle to scoop it out) and rub between my hands and distribute evenly across my face. I also drink a ton of water. I get a lot of complements on my complexion.

Sep 4, 2013

Kiah H.

I also don't wear make up. ever. only lipstick occasionally.

Sep 4, 2013

Kitty K.

You need to start off with a strict beauty routine.
I always get told my skin looks like Porcelain, and it's because of that. Never use too much of any product.

Obtain these products by the means of your skin type.
A good cleanser
A good toner( I highly recommend Kiehls, you can find them in Nordstorm)
Scrubs, Masks, etc.
Face lotion

When you shower, Start off with steamy warm water to open up your pores.
Use a gentle cleanser and when you wash your skin, do it in circular soft motions as to not irritate your skin. The trick is to take up to only 10 SECONDS washing your face.
Afterwards, rinse it off but do not touch it. Allow the water to do the work for you.
When you are done showering, splash your face with cold water.
As soon as you get out, using a cotton ball, apply toner. ( Look for alcohol free toner if you suffer from redness )
Apply lotion... ( L'oreals Paris Youth code line does an excellent job at removing dark spots and acne scars, and much more. It might help with your scar. )

Someone who is really good at skin care is bubzbeauty.. http://www.youtube.com/user/bubzbeauty
And I recommend you check out acne.org to pick up on some really good skin care tips.