Need tips for growing out hair.


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Sep 2, 2013

Hayley E.

Anybody got any good tips/recommendations or advice on how I can grow my short bob cut out? Vitamins I should take? Products I should use? Do's and don't's?

Sep 2, 2013

Madison A.

It might take while but wash your hair every day and after a few months get it trimmed to get all the dead ends. Keep this up until desired length.

Sep 2, 2013

Makayla L.

Well basicly how I grow out my hair is I just keep it healthy wash my hair a lot brush it and I don't use heat a lot I didnt this whole summer and it kept my hair really heathy and long and fhick.

Sep 2, 2013

R R.

For me, I cut my hair last March to about my shoulder or a little bit taller, and now it is about to half of my back.
What I do is to put argan oil on my hair and leave it over night then clean it with shampoo very well, I did this every 2 days.
It gives my hair so much strength and shine. However, it didn't help thickning my hair because my hair is so thin :(
thats why now I'm trying a new thing, I combined cocount oil with argan oil and use it the same way. Hope to get some good results with the thickness of my hair :)
also, I don't use a lot of heat on my hair, just keep it natural without blow drying.
wish you the best in growing your hair.

Sep 2, 2013

Bianca M.

Washing your hair everyday can damage it because it stripps its natural oils and makes it dry and dull, try washing it every 2 to 3 days. My hair is long and very healthy :) I use a sulfate free shampoo. Sulfate is what strips off the natural oil that you need in order for it to be healthy. I didn't use heat for the whole summer, no straightener, blow-dryer or curler. It helped make my hair stronger and less breakage on the ends. Try leave-in conditioner if its really damaged. Hope this helped :)

Sep 2, 2013

Casey D.

Every 6-8 weeks get alittle bit. Like tiny bit. It keeps it healthy and nice.

Sep 2, 2013

Anupa M.

Biotin, 1-2 hot oil treatments a week. It should help your hair grow beautifully!!

Sep 2, 2013

Millie C.

Hair masks

Sep 2, 2013

Veronica B.

Bamboo silica pills. It's like biotin but BETTER because there aren't any bad side effects (like acne). Infact google, "bamboo silica reviews" so many people said it cleared their skin up as well as grow their hair faster and healthier. I just started taking them and I can't wait for the effects to take place.