Remedies for oily hair??


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Sep 2, 2013

Terissa G.

So I have the oiliest hair! I just washed it yesterday and it already looks like this! Excuse the roots! I have a hair appointment Friday.

Sep 2, 2013

Diana J.

Applie masks and balsams only on length... use special products for your hair type... or visit a doctot, you may have a skin disease.

Sep 2, 2013

Natalie R.

Use batiste dry shampoo, it absords the oil. get the one for brown hair.

Sep 2, 2013

Terissa G.

Where do you get Batiste dry shampoo?

Sep 2, 2013

Liz B.

You might be over-washing it, actually. if you strip your hair's natural oils away all the time, it'll go into overproduction of oil and make your hair greasy. try not to wash your hair more than every three days, and use dry shampoo if you feel great and gross. do that for a few weeks and see how it feels. you can get dry shampoo art any drug store, but I think they have batiste at Ulta, if I'm not mistaken.

Sep 2, 2013

Liz B.

Greasy, not great. silly phone.