Has makeup helped you overcome any obstacles?


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Jun 28, 2013

Elana S.

I'm just wondering if anyone has been able to overcome any major obstacles with makeup
Basically I used to suffer with eating disorders and makeup has been my distraction. whenever I had trouble wanting to trow up I would do my makeup and feel better. so my question for you is, has makeup helped you be more confident on an insecurity? overcome any fears or obstacles?

Jun 28, 2013

Nina F.

It hasn't really helped me overcome any obstacles, but it does make me feel a lot more confident.

Jun 28, 2013

Elana S.

Thats overcoming something though! If it makes you feel more confident and give you better self esteem, then it has helped you!

Jun 28, 2013

Ivette H.

I grew up beeing teased a lot. I would wear makeup to make me feel better. Now I can go with out makeup with no problem but it does make me feel confident.

Jun 28, 2013

Tiffany D.

It helped me over come worrying that I would never find something I was so passionate about :)

Jun 28, 2013

Elana S.

@Ivette same with me, thats amazing that you have the cofidence to go out makeup-less and I'm so proud of you! Embrace your natural beauty.

@Anna thats amazing that you found something to hide your spots!

@Tiffany thats great that you're so passionate about it. It really is an amazing hobby!

Jun 28, 2013

Ivette H.

@ Elana Thank you darling, stay beautiful (:

Jun 28, 2013

Lauren M.

Actually, I have the same story as you, Elana! Anytime I've ever felt like doing something self-destructive I turned it around and put all that energy into creating a whole new look! :) Aside from makeup I think getting piercings has helped me too. I'm getting my hip microdermals done soon and I'm so excited! :)

Jun 29, 2013

Anna C.

I suffer from body dysmorphia. Basically I see something completely different in the mirror and I hate it. Makeup has helped me push past it and realize that I have true beauty. Before all I saw was my bushy eyebrows and big flat nose with huge nostrils and the scar on my chin. But now I see past it. I have beautiful eyes. Clear skin. And yeah...it's just helped me see that I am beautiful.

Jun 29, 2013

Elana S.

Anytime girls!! You're all gourgeous!!
@Lauren thats amazing just continue to do so!!
@Anna I too have bdd since it is part of anorexia. And you ARE beautiful and you just have to keep on telling yourself that. Cuz its the TRUTH!