Glitter removal


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Apr 11, 2012

Chloe S.

Any of you wonderful ladies have some secret tips for removing glitter polish?

Apr 11, 2012

Robyn S.

I soak my nails in regular full acetone nail polish remover. Other then that it is just a pain in the ass, I would like some suggestions as well. 

Apr 11, 2012

Lea T.

I find that if you put a couple coats (2-3) of Base Coat on first it makes it a little easier to take off glitter polish...other then that, its a pain!!!!

Apr 11, 2012

Tori W.

Have you tried the cotton wall and tin foil method? Soak a cotton ball with remover and then wrap a strip of foil around your nail and finger holding the cotton ball in place, leave for about 10 mins and it just slides off :) Just make sure you have no gaps as the acetone in the remover will evaporate if you do!

I agree with @Tori W. this works amazingly on tough to get off glitter polishes :)

Apr 11, 2012

Edie G.

yhuu soak a square of felt fabric in nail polish remover and use that :)

Apr 12, 2012


My sister and I appreciate this every much! @Tori, definitely going to try that method. Thank for sharing!!! 

Apr 13, 2012

ashley h.


lol no but really, i do what tori suggested!