Everyday Makeup for 8th Graders.


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Jun 25, 2013

Isabella K.

In your opinion what does a 13 year old girl that already has issues with her skin (pimples, spots, etc) should be wearimg consediring her addict in makeup??

Jun 25, 2013

Maherline B.

If your trying to keep your skin in control you should definitely try loreal go 360 clean (anti break out) it worked wonders on my skin and I don't think they should be putting a lot of makeup maybe just eye shadow, mascara ect nothing on the cheecks, forhead ect I think it would help break you out even more. try it and be amazed

Jun 25, 2013

Kalyn H.

Commenting so I can follow this topic because I have this question too (:

Jun 25, 2013

Lauren C.

I wore makeup in yr 8! I had always felt self conscious about my skin! I used to put foundation on, and a bit on mascara! But back in those days I didn't know much about makeup so probably could have chosen some nicer foundations and maybe used a powder to set it because it would always wear off at the end of the day!

Jun 25, 2013

Zelma S.

Foundation and mascara anything else is a little much. Maybe even a little brow powder.

Jun 25, 2013

Kenly A.

Get concealer and wait on foundation until your older.

Jun 25, 2013

Joanne P.

I had really bad acne in 8th grade and was a makeup addict too!! I just did eyeliner mascara and occasionally eyeshadow and once in a while, lipstick. I stayed away from face products.

Jun 25, 2013

Allie F.

I wear makeup occasionally and I'm going into 8th grade.

Jun 25, 2013

Trinity D.

I wore no make up at all mother didn't allow me now I look back and I didn't need it I was pretty no acne and everybody said I was gourg without make up.

Jun 25, 2013

Emily P.

Try a BB cream! Theyre much lighter than a foundation and they also help fight blemishes and have sunscreen! they're carried by drugstores and are much easier to match to your natural skin color than foundation, plus some are noncomedogenic (won't clog pores). Also, this is a good time for sheerer lipglosses.

Jun 25, 2013

Alex M.

If you have acne go with a good foundation if you don't then don't wear any at all. Go with mascara and a little eyeliner. You don't need a lot of makeup at that age at I think it's silly to put on.

Jun 25, 2013

Lauren M.

To help with your acne I would suggest going to a dermatologist to see about any treatments/products you can use. :) It also helps if you eat healthy and change your pillowcase everyday! As soon as I started changing them out everyday I saw major improvements in my skin! :)
Now, as far as makeup goes, I think you should wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. When I was in 8th grade I wore mascara, eyeliner, and sometimes concealer and eyeshadow. Looking back I would've worn a tinted moisturizer or medium coverage foundation to help cover my problem areas and even out my skin. :)

Jun 25, 2013

Bianca G.

I'm now a freshman but my everyday makeup routine was simple. Typical day at school(:

Jun 25, 2013

Kat R.

I used to just wear mascara and powder nothing else