I want to change my looks.


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Jun 25, 2013

Danika A.

Hi I'm 15 I have some photos on here and a couple of my sister but I need help I want to change my looks about to my makeup hair skin care to clothing what can I do with my looks to make me look better? Help ASAP!

Jun 25, 2013

Lauren C.

How do you want to look better! What is it about your current appearance that you don't like!

Jun 25, 2013

Amber R.

Umm I really don't know,
what kind of look do you like?
but I think your gorgeous already!

Jun 25, 2013

Danika A.

I just don't like the way I look, I just want to be flawless but have no idea where to start

Jun 25, 2013

Katarina M.

Girl, you're already gorgeous.

Jun 25, 2013

Danika A.

No I'm not7.

Jun 25, 2013

Lauren C.

Ok well you have quite dark brows, I'm taking a guess that you fill them in? Maybe try brow gels instead for for natural looks, you also wear a lot of eyeliner on the water line and for a 15 yr old that's necessary! Instead have a go using nude coloured eyeliners that will really open the eyes up! Do you use a foundation with a medium coverage and a matte finish? Well have a go with tints and low-medium coverage foundations because you have quite nice skin as is! Play around with Dewy foundations! My idea of perfect is natural looking so that's what I would be going for! Hair wise I like your hair colour as is but if you want to change it up go for one solid colour! Clothing wise I have no idea what your into so I can't help in that department sorry! Your such a beautiful girl you shouldn't have to change for anyone, but if its for yourself then that's great change is always good! I hope that helps I'm sorry it wasn't great advise! Good luck Hun! Xx

Jun 25, 2013

Danika A.

Omg your a legand! this is so perfect, I don't wear eyeliner ahha maybe its the camera and yes I need to try a lot of diffrent things! wow this helpped so much thanks xx

Jun 25, 2013

Lauren C.

And seriously girl I saw your other post about your forehead! That's complete bull your head is completely normal!

Jun 25, 2013

Kirin S.

Love the way you look and be yourself!
And how you said you want to be flawless... Perfection isn't real. Our flaws are what makes us all different and unique!
Just be yourself, there's no-one better!

Jun 25, 2013

Danika A.

Aw thanl you xoox

Jun 25, 2013

Brooke-lynn E.

Confidence helps (: