What's Your Style Guurl.


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Jul 7, 2013

Kristyn B.

Hey guys. I was wondering what kind of style you guys are all into at the moment.
I really like a slight grudge style to everything, a bit sassy and rocker, makes me feel confident!

how do I look? any looks you think I'll look good in? and what's your style! xx

Jul 7, 2013

Kim B.

Punk/grudge/rock ^^ but with a girly touch

Jul 7, 2013

Destiny B.


Jul 7, 2013

Erin M.

Mine is me. I have clothes from Rainbow, Papaya, Love Culture, and Forever 21in my closet but I've also got clothes from Hot Topic and Japanese/Chinese Lolita brands. I'm allll over the place.

Jul 7, 2013

Yaz Y.

I like to look quirky yet sophisticated

Jul 7, 2013

Mona O.

you look gorgeous!

Jul 7, 2013

Rachel H.

My style at the moment is "I haven't worked in 6 weeks and I feel like poo"

It's a very confused and lazy style of course.lolol

Jul 7, 2013

Naney B.

I like poncho and crop tops. Usually high jean shorts. And friendship bracelets on my wrist and my ankle.