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Jun 25, 2013

Victoria L.

So I waxed like down there but on top on one side they didn't come out just a few :( anyways it hurt a lot but I did yesterday and I still have red :( (also when I waxed there I bleed a little bit like my pores bleed :( ) so I still have red and I don't want it to be red :( it's been 24 hrs since waxed :/ can someone help me? What can I do to get rid of the redness and like the little bumps :(

Aloe Vera

Jun 25, 2013

Lucy E.

Hey Victoria - Bleeding and redness after waxing is actually totally normal, so don't let it put you off.
After you wax, don't shower, apply lotion or use a sauna - Wipe the area with soothing Aloe Vera gel, and put on clean fresh panties.
It does take a while for the redness to go down, especially if you're particularly sensitive. If it is very uncomfortable, you should look at different methods of waxing designed for delicate skin.
But you're doing to right thing waxing instead if shaving - Shaving will leave you with loads if lumps and bumps, and will grow back after a couple of days even thicker.
If you continue to wax for years, the hair will become thinner and thinner until it eventually stops.
I hope this is helpful, if you need more advise its worth going to a salon to get waxed and get some tips.

Jun 25, 2013

Victoria L.

Thank you girls @Lucy E but it's normal after 24 hours I do have super sensitive skin :(

Jun 25, 2013

Noriyuki I.

Yeah its still normal after 24 hours...if it burns...put some aloe gel n the freezer for a few mins then apply it will soothe the area a bit...

Jun 25, 2013

Victoria L.

So it will go away in a few days?? Right??

Jun 26, 2013

Sarah R.

I wax my own hoohaa quite often and I know how painful and red it gets. I like to use Johnson and Johnson baby oil after I've waxed. It helps soothe and gets sticky left over wax off pretty easily. And always remember to pull the wax strip in the opposite direction of the hair growth otherwise the hair won't come out of course but then your left with wax buildup on top of the hair that didn't come out! Not fun!

Jun 26, 2013

Victoria L.

Thank you girls ❤ the redness is kinda going again after 1 day and half