Florida Cosmo state board.


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Jul 1, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Hi ladies I just recently finishes beauty school and I'm soon to take my state board have any of you beauties taken the state board in FL and if so would you say it was easy or hard I'm real nervous about it.

I didn't take FL, but here in NC it was more long than difficult. It was about 4 hours here. (the practical part) But everything you have to do they make sure you know in school, and I hear thats how it is pretty much in every state. But that's super awesome you're done with school! Good luck on that test :]

Jul 9, 2013

Danielle B.

Most of the tests in each state are pretty similar. A lot of what they are looking for is sanitation and making sure you don't like totally mess up a service. Don't be too worried if you mess up a little bit. Here in Ohio for your haircut you cut the nape with a razor and top with the siccors. I was so nervous and my hand was shaking all over the place trying to use the razor and I missed some places at the top just from being nervous and they only took off two or three points out of like twenty.