We Should Start Doing This Ladies.


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Jun 10, 2013

Kierstyn C.

Um like all of mine

Jun 10, 2013

Roz X.

See, you had to resort to personal insult because I left the conversation in a fashion you didn't care for. You are in no position to judge my maturity. I find your behavior incredibly offputting since you have taken to lecturing me not long ago out "judging", despite I have not done so at this juncture. *Seems* like this thread has turned into an opportunity to bully those who challenge your views. Just my opinion, of course. You cannot gauge someone's concern regarding an issue based on threads they have created. You'd be hard pressed to find any thread I started on here as there are none. I swear by search and have not an issue I felt couldn't be resolved in that manner as of yet. But I have expressed and addressed the desire for more members to take advantage of how fabulous and informative search is on many an occasion. I've contacted Beautylish directly regarding the search issue and and utilize threads already out there to suggest it as well. You clearly don't read my posts outside of those addressing you directly..and I'm perfectly comfy with that. I'd actually prefer that it remain that way. Have a light-hearted day! I suspect you need one...or two. Humor: How does it work?  :D.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

Rozberry I believe we are done with this convo? don't understand why you're still responding. lol.. I just don't. and thanks tiffany(: I wasn't saying to respond to EVERY post cause that's just impossible lol. but just do what you're doing because that's what I was trying to address here(:

Jun 10, 2013

Dana M.

Ha, Amaris. I don't think you understand the definition of hypocritical. I just read your response and I feel like your reply was a lame attempt at surrendering because you don't want to acknowledge the logic in what I said. You started this topic! I was just trying to help the girls who feel like they're being ignored by giving them an explanation to what may be happening and you took it upon yourself to call me out for being "rude" because you didn't like what I said. You're quiet the charmer. Then on top of that, you were rude to rozberry because you didn't like her response. Practice what you preach before you go around calling people rude. Seriously. That behavior is not cute and just plain immature.

Jun 10, 2013

Crystal C.

Tiffany Yes finally! The whole point of the Talk section is to talk,share,give advice,tips and tricks.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

Dana I think you should read your response again because you just completely said the opposite of what you said at first. first you said that you didn't like stuff and you were going to tell them and also you said that girls don't get the response they ask (if any) for because you don't like their product or outcome. NOW your saying something completely different. stop trying to act like a innocent girl. and don't use the word help. that's a word that you need to understand before you use it cause you weren't helping at all. also I wasn't "surrendering" (look that word up too and understand it) I was simply ending the convo of our opinions because I was being the bigger person even though I am way younger than you girls. I knew you would have too much pride to end it so I did. and aww thanks for saying I'm quite the charmer(: you actually said something nice! also I never said you were rude. I said you were negative. lol I find it so funny that I can correct your responses so easily because they are ignorant and not well thought out. so so funny. and yes I did start this topic but not for you to write a paragraph about nothing. I think we can all agree that I'M not the immature one in this convo. you AND rozberry snuck in snarky rude remarks in your responses before I even started. so don't make this one sided towards me. grow up ladies. like come on. this website isn't made for women like you who hate hate hate. this talk forum is made to socialize and give inputs that will HELP other fellow beautylish members. understand THAT as well.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

Right now you are just throwing out insults because that's all you have left to say. you have no comeback or answers to the things I've said.

Jun 10, 2013

Dana M.

1) This "argument" was started because you took it upon yourself to call me negative at my post trying to help other girls.
2) I never said the complete opposite? I stand by what I said. Do you know what the complete opposite is?
3) how old are you? It's kinda funny, because you don't know how old I am, and unless you're a freaking fetus, you're not THAT much younger so quit acting like your age makes you so *unique,* special snowflake.
3) sarcasm. Add that to the things you may want to look up
4) rude, negative, they're basically synonyms for each other lol booboo, don't flatter ya self.
5) I wrote, what? 2 sentences helping people understand what topics are not always seen to anyone. There was no reason for you to call me out because you don't agree with what I was saying. It was logical, and not close to negative.
6) yeah, this website isn't made for hate, so maybe you should delete your account and go back to my club penguin since you're so much younger.
7) You did the exact same. Take your own advice, my friend.
You're dismissed, peace out.

Jun 10, 2013

Amber K.

The only "negative" person in this thread is you, Amaris. You say it "doesn't feel good for the girl" not to get any responses when she asks a question, but in what universe is it then acceptable for you to turn around and insult the girls that came to your thread and offered their opinions? I think you need to look up the meaning of hypocritical...

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

Amber don't call me rude and nite even take into consideration that rozberry and Dana were being rude as well from the BEGINNING. a lot of people agreed with me even during me, robbery, and dana's convo. it isn't fair for you to come into this convo abduction completely bash on me when Dana and rozberry were the ones who threw the first insult. and DAna I knew it was sarcasm... like come one. catch the drift here. and I thought you were older cause you had the nerve to talk to us as if you were the queen. well I guess your 12 coming from your responses. and again all you had to say were insults towards me that had nothing to do with what we are talking about. club penguin? what is that lol. probably something your age is in to.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

not* not nite

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

and* not abduction

Jun 10, 2013

Bridgette T.

Haha sorry I had too.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

Lol I know I'm the victim of that but that was really funny!

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

I've been trying to end this convo though... its getting annoying.

Jun 10, 2013

Rosanna B.

Sweetheart, in real life, ending a conversation is walking away from it. Just sayin.

Jun 10, 2013

Amber K.

I think you need to realize that there is a difference between insulting and "bashing" someone, and expressing your opinion. The other ladies have just been trying to express, explain, and support their own opinions. You started this thread, preaching about the need for the ladies of Beautylish to be kinder and more helpful, but here you are throwing people's opinions back in their face? What person will want to post anymore if all they get is grief because their opinion is different from the majority? Do yourself a favour: stop pointing fingers, and accept the fact that there are always going to be people who you will disagree with, or who will have a different opinion/view. Telling them off for having a different opinion isn't going to get you anywhere.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

So I can't disagree back? seems like you're saying that they can throw their opinions at me but I can't throw mine back? I can't express my opinions but they can?

Jun 11, 2013

Amaris A.

That's what I thought too... I guess people thought they needed to disagree harshly and expected me not to say anything about it.

Jun 11, 2013

Nehal S.

@ Bridgette lol

Jun 11, 2013

Pamela F.

Cassandra that made me laugh lol.

Jun 12, 2013

Dominique W.


Jun 12, 2013

Linda R.

Cant we all just get along. Can't believe this is still going on lol let's just all play nice now :-)