Summer "transformation" tips


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Jun 12, 2013

Emily B.

So it's summer so I want to lose 10lbs because I need to and I'm going into 8th grade so I want to feel more confident. Any ways/ tips?

Jun 12, 2013

Olivia G.

I play Just Dance 4 (yes I know, sounds wired) but an hour a day is great! I've lost 6-7 pounds so far and I can eat whatever I want. Also, it comes with a portion called Just Sweat which is specially designed for weight loss, it's fun and great for the body! :)

Jun 12, 2013

Olivia G.

Weird* not wired type.

Jun 12, 2013

Hanna B.

Get workout apps

Jun 12, 2013

Brittany X.

I play just dance too. Lmao. Its awesome.

Jun 12, 2013

Kathryn C.

It's really all about the diet. Cut out greasy, unhealthy foods as much as you can (your skin will thank you as well!) and drink LOTS of water (once again, your skin will thank you!). Try and get active an hour a day, really focus on cardio since losing weight is your goal. Good luck!

Jun 12, 2013

Amelia H.

Yeah! I agree with Kathryn!
Drinking water helps you actually lose water weight!
A good way to measure how much water you should drink is take half of your body weight, and try to get as close to drinking that many ounces of water a day, as comfortably as you can.
Your skin, teeth, and body will thank you for this. :)
Good luck! <3

Jun 12, 2013

Jadyn B.

30 mins before you eat drink a big glass of water so your already half full.