What Age Do You Start Wearing Makeup?


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Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

Hey guys, what age would you say I could start wearing makeup? I'm going in to 6th grade, so I just needed to know when!

Jun 8, 2013

Olivia R.

I'm in 6th grade too so I would say start wearing lipgloss. Next year mascara. Then eyeliner. But it all depends on what people are wearing in your school and what your parents let you wear.

Jun 8, 2013

Ajla N.

I would start with lipgloss too. I think it's still to early to start using too much. Maybe mascara next year.

Jun 8, 2013

Beth R.

Lol, no. In February of 6th grade I started wearing make up, and I wore eyeshadow and mascara. It's all about what you're comfortable with and what your parents allow. :)

Jun 8, 2013

F M.

Way to early guys! I'm in 7th and I only wear concealer, clear mascara, and brown eyeliner.
Please keep it to a minimal guys! I see girls who think that tons of makeup is cool, but all the other kids laugh at them behind their backs.

Use concealer under your eyes.
Liner on your water line.
Mascara minimaly!

*tip: mix cocoa powder and baby powder to make a natural, amazing face powder!

*: use a slice of beet as blush and lip stain!

That is what I do, please try to stay natural darlings!

Jun 8, 2013

Noelle L.

I think I started in 6th grade too. I just more concealer, loose powder (on shiny areas), and just tinted lip balm.

Jun 8, 2013

Claire G.

I started dabbling at probably 13 I was in 7th grade with mascara... Whenever you decide to start keep it very minimal if you start early it's really a hassle to do everyday. Wait as long as possible!

Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

Ok thank you guys!

Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

There is a few girls I know who wear red lipstick to school, and next year I'm in the youngest grade in the building, so...

Jun 8, 2013

Kayla H.

I started in the late 6th grade but nowadays I see girls younger than that wearing full coverage makeup so I guess it really depends on your comfort level and your parents :)

Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

Ok thank you Kayla H.!

Jun 8, 2013

Linette D.

I was a junior in college (20 years. old)

Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

Ok thank you :)

Jun 8, 2013

Kayla S.

I started in 8th grade and I wore eyeliner and mascara :-)

Jun 8, 2013

McKenna S.

I was in 8 grade. I started out with just concealer, brown mascara, brown eyeliner, and tinted chap stick.

Jun 8, 2013

Taylor J.

I was 13 and just started with some eyeliner and tinted moisturizer :)

Jun 8, 2013

E N.

I think that eyeliner is a bit too much since its very noticeable , I say that grade 7 or later is good but I started having acne in year 6 so I wore a bit of tinted moisturizer towards the end (not often though) I also think makeup is fine for special occasions and lipgloss is a good place to start

Jun 8, 2013

Mariah B.

For me its a little different because I'm a dancer so I have to wear make up for shows. but I didn't start to wear make-up on my own until I was 16. :) (and I'm 17 now)

Jun 8, 2013

Moriah G.

Just wear mascara, colored lipgloss or a lip tint & concealer where you need it. No need to cake makeup on at a young age :)

Jun 8, 2013

Mary A.

I started when I was about 12 using a little bit of concealer and lip gloss on occasion. when I was 13 I started wearing a little more but again it wasn't all the time. I didnt start wearing full face makeup regularly until about 15.

Jun 8, 2013

Emma L.

Ok thank you :)