Walking in heels


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Jun 4, 2013

Kristin S.

Buy a pair several weeks before the wedding and walk around your house wearing them.

Jun 4, 2013

Lily M.

Put your heel down first before your toes and keep your legs close together, also practice practice practice before! xo.

Jun 4, 2013

Vegetarian S.

Do not, I repeat not puff out your chest and stick out your butt. It looks so stupid when girls in my grade do that on picture day. (grade 7)

Jun 4, 2013

Nekwu A.

You just need some practice...it's really not a big deal. heels know which sex they were made for so they'l love you..haha:)

Jun 4, 2013

Kennedy G.

I did chores while wearing mine to get used to them! Like vacuuming or whatever, it seriously helped.

Jun 4, 2013

Halima B.

Try wedges heels Its more comfortable and easier to walk with.

Jun 4, 2013

Amelia L.

There are a lot of videos on YouTube on how to walk in heels.

Jun 4, 2013

Kenzie L.

A wedge is an excellent suggestion. if you want to the a heel start with a low one, no higher than 4 inches. also do a few laps in the store before you purchase them! too many times have I gotten overzealous about a fab pair of pumps only to be let down by the murder they caused my feet and then waisting my $ because I didn't try them out in the store.

Jun 4, 2013

Jillian K.

Definitely agree with the girls who recommended wedges. They are much easier than heels. When walking in heels arch your back, keep your shoulders back, and walk on the balls on your feet.

Jun 5, 2013

Natalie T.

If you want heels instead of wedges, go for a thick heel, not a stiletto or skinny heel. You will also probably find a platform more comfortable than not. It gives some cushioning to your feet and it decreases the slope between your toes and your heel. for example, if you wore 4" heels with a 1.5" platform, it would feel similar to you wearing a 2.5" heel without the platform. Hope that made sense.
try on a variety of styles and make sure you can walk around comfortably in them. don't buy anything that is too big or too small, make sure they are perfect... if they aren't move on to the next shoe. break them in a week ro two before your event by wearing them around the house, or even while you're sitting around (just so they get used to it). you should be able to get keep the best balance by walking heel to toe!

Jun 5, 2013

Clare C.

Be comfortable in them, or trick yourself into being comfortable. If you feel unsure or self-conscious, it will show. Practice often! Make sure you know how to go up/down stairs, and get used to wearing them for extended periods of time. As for learning how to walk in them, youtube videos are a lifesaver.

Jun 5, 2013

Lela B.

The real trick is to learn to walk in them in stages start with a half an inch to an inch, and slowly build up until you are comfortable in higher heals. take your time in each stage. When you can walk as you would normally would in each set, move up!

Jun 5, 2013

Patricia P.

Don't get those giant heels that are an every store. Get a shoe with 2 inches at most nothing real high.

Most importantly swish your hips when you walk. Don't walk straight

Jun 5, 2013

Iryna S.

Practice makes perfect :)

Jun 6, 2013

Sadie S.

Be confident and don't over think it
the harder I try and walk "properly" in heels the sillier I look