Special care with makeup brushes?


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Jun 5, 2013

Julia R.

Hey ladies, I just got my Sigma brush set and I heard that you have to wash them before you use them. If so, what should I use? And are there any other special cares I should be aware of? Thank youuu :))

Jun 5, 2013

Julia R.

I'm in love with them! Here's a pic

Jun 5, 2013

Elizabeth W.

Before a I used them I washed them with macs brush cleaner with some water in it, I used my brush tree to let them dry but you don't need the tree, run them between your thumb and pointer finger and lay them to dry :)

Jun 5, 2013

Julia R.

Thank you Elizabeth! I'll definitely wash them now :)

Jun 5, 2013

Elizabeth W.

No problem! :)

Shampoo, or anti bacteria hand wash. You don't brush cleaner unless you want to clean everyone you use. For shampoo, clean the brushes once a week to keep them in good condition :)

Don't Need* brush cleaner

Every time*, omg the phone -.-

Jun 5, 2013

Julia R.

Thanks ladies! I washed them with baby shampoo and now they're drying, cab't wait to try them out! xx

Jun 5, 2013

Julia R.
