How can I maintain ny eye brows while growing them out??


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Jun 5, 2013

S J.

Can anyone suggest ways you can maintain my eyebrows while I am growing them out?

Jun 5, 2013

Katrina B.

Yes you can use an eyebrow pencil or powder and fill in the line you want then clean up with concealer. Just look it up on YouTube... Plenty of videos :)

Jun 5, 2013

Jillian K.

When I was growing mine out I just plucked the very standoutish hairs and filled in my brows with pencil so you couldn't even really tell that I was growing them out. Like Katrina said, plenty of youtube vids :)

Jun 5, 2013

Ikwo N.

I get my eyebrows threaded about once every two months because I like to give them time to grow. Just shape them up with an eyebrow pencil.