Do you have to spend a lot of money to get a decent camcorder for YT?


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Mar 25, 2012

Holly R.

I'm from the UK, so any advice on what camera and where people from the UK got theirs from would be great. I want a good, clear picture, but don't want to spend hundreds.


Mar 25, 2012

Erin C.

I asked my parents for a camera this Christmas and they got me a little Sony Cybershot. It retails around $120 Canadian and it shoots fairly decent videos. You can definitely get a good quality video with a cheaper camera. Check out one of my videos if you want to see what kind of quality my camera has. Hope this helps.

I'm pretty sure Tiffany D uses a Sony Cybershot for her videos. It's a digital camera, f'sure.

I'm shocked she uses a sony cybershot. I have one and my vids NEVER look that good lol

Apr 21, 2012

Anna A.

I have a Cybershot too, which is a full HD one but it still never films in that quality. I'm pretty sure the full HD feature is only for the photos :(