Does Anyone Have Any Good Ideas On How To Style Dry Frizzy Hair Without Using Heat Tools?


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Mar 30, 2012

Michelle B.

My hair can be a dry frizzy mess depending on the weather and because I used to straighten it to solve that problem my hair is also very damaged.

Does anyone know of any tricks or products that can help smooth hair or style it without it looking so Hagrid-ish? 


Mar 31, 2012

Kali C.

To help with frizz rinse hair with the coldest water you can stand,Blow dry methodically. This can take practice and time, but it is worth it. Use a big round brush that will allow you to smooth your hair as you dry. Always blow in a downward motion. Running the dryer over hair up and down will cause hair to frizz and split. Divide hair into sections with curler pins and dry one section at a time. I hope this helped!!

Mar 31, 2012

Michelle B.

Thank you! I will try that :)