Do you have piercing scars??


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So girls after getting facial piercings and you took them out were the scars bad. I plan on getting spider bites and a nose piercing but I don't want there to be noticeable scars if I take them out. How are your piercing scars??

Jun 22, 2013

Bailee H.

I had my lip pierced for a while and it left absolutely no visible scaring. you would never knowmi had it pierced.

Jun 22, 2013

Liz L.

I have visible holes from my snakebites that I took out three years ago and a scar from my nose ring that I took out a year ago. Like Cassandra said, it really does depend on the person.

Jun 22, 2013

Jordan E.

I have one from my Monroe

Jun 22, 2013

Axita S.

My mum had 2 piercing in ear.. She didnt wear in d upper hole for sum years.. She had a scar...

Jun 22, 2013

Rachel L.

My sister does on her nose.

Jun 22, 2013

Bre S.

I JUST took these photos of my dahlia scars. they're two small holes on the sides of my lips. I also have one small one on my nose from my second high nostril piercing, but it was ripped out.

@Bre S. Those don't look too bad, gorgeous lips.

Jun 22, 2013

Bre S.

Thanks ,Laken! they look worse in person I think. my camera on my phone sucks. they kind of look like weird "beauty marks" or dimples. I'm just really insecure about them!

Jun 22, 2013

Georgia L.

Dimples are cute. Don't be insecure it's character x

Jun 22, 2013

Bre S.

I used to want to model though but now I have holes in my face haha >.<

Jun 22, 2013

Georgia L.

It gets photoshopped anyway :) I wouldn't worry too much just go for it! X.

Jun 22, 2013

Erika L.

I had snake bites and my nose pierced twice scarsnasty maybe because I'm white lol

Jun 22, 2013

Tyler D.

I had a chest dermal and it left a tiny scar but I put almond oil on it everyday and it became lighter. And I have both sides of my nose pierced and I've never scared from them.

Jun 22, 2013

Faith E.

My mom had her nose done you can not tell. I have my lip done and you can tell its just a small dot kinda lol.

Jun 22, 2013

Lara W.

I have one from my labrette, but its not too bad. it can be covered a little bit, but you will have the scar forever.

Jun 22, 2013

Lara W.

But then again, I had my piercing pulled through my lip (bit the back and the small gem came through my lip)