Have you tried headband curls?


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Jun 22, 2013

Danielle S.

Girls I've tried it and they turned out beautifully next time ill try to post a photo. My hair stops right at might shoulders so I can imagine how it would look with long hair. A word of advice though, if your hair isn't wet make sure you put in leave in conditioner first, spritz with hairspray, take your time. Seriously the curls are beautiful. Try it and post a pic I'd love to see!

Jun 22, 2013

Rially P.

I usually do mine when it's damp before bed. It turns out soo pretty!

Jun 22, 2013

Danielle S.

Here's a tutorial http://youtu.be/BLeSKaPaUOA.

Jun 22, 2013

Samira S.

How does it work? Haha :)

Jun 22, 2013

Danielle S.

@danna beautiful!