Do my lips look fake.


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Jun 23, 2013

Erika L.

I plumped them to the max lol.

Jun 23, 2013

Erika L.

On the side

Jun 23, 2013

Erika L.

Closer view

Jun 23, 2013

Caitlyn B.

I would plump a tiny bit less next time. Just my opinion, that's what I would do.

Jun 23, 2013

Erika L.

The original size

Jun 23, 2013

Morgan S.

Yea don't plump them. They look kinda weird plumped that much.

Jun 23, 2013

Erika L.

There's a plumper machine for your lips I used that for 10 min on my top lip than outlined a little bit and colored in with a color similar to my lips and I put a lip plumper from urban decay which was a little bit more brown highlighted my Cupid bow and outlined it my lips with concealer.

Jun 23, 2013

Jaden L.

Honestly your lips look better not plumped. You have such beautiful natural lips

Jun 23, 2013

Emily B.

Your lips look soo much better unplumped!

Jun 23, 2013

Zelma S.

Your beautiful , being natural is the best way.

Jun 23, 2013

Melanie V.

Please don't do that to your self any more. Your lips are already very full already and you risk turning yourself into a caricature.

Jun 23, 2013

Hillary T.

Honestly I think the biggest thing is that the liner looks unnatural. If you maybe left that step out I bet it would look pretty good.

Jun 23, 2013

Hillary T.

But I do agree that your natural lips are very pretty and you definitely don't need it.

Jun 23, 2013

Shelley W.

I like the before lips.

Jun 23, 2013

Mj G.

No plumping!❤~MH

Jun 23, 2013

Mj G.


Jun 23, 2013

Darlene M.

I agree with hillary it might look fine without the lip liner and gloss=]

Jun 23, 2013

Roz X.

I like your lips natural.

Jun 23, 2013

Axita S.

Natural natural! :)

Jun 23, 2013

Linda H.

They don't look that bad when they're plumped, but still the natural ones are much better looking :)

Jun 23, 2013

Rebella A.

Lol, that's definitely plumping to the max! Natural looks waaaaaay better and I agree about the liner. Now I'm wondering how some people would look like after using a machine like that. Never heard about it before.

Jun 23, 2013

Jamie D.

I like your natural lips wayyyyy better.

Jun 23, 2013

Nayab B.

In my honest opinion your natural lips are beautiful, you don't need to plump them.

Jun 23, 2013

Jes T.

I like them natural better :)

Jun 23, 2013

Albina g.

Your lips are really pretty naturally. but if you want to plump don't overdo it with the liner and gloss. I think that just a nice lipstick or balm would do the trick ;)