Wired makeup chunks?! Is it my skin?


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Jun 23, 2013

Beauty F.

So I LOVE makeup but I can't where it cause it looks like chunky and weird... Is it my skin?! I've tried to many products!

Jun 23, 2013

Mj G.

Well where is it chunky face, eyes or lips?

Jun 23, 2013

Letty D.

If you mean chunky as in "caked" makeup, I could help, but is that what you mean? XD

Jun 23, 2013

Beauty F.

The mini hairs look like there's ton of powder on them.. Jacqueline h. Letty d.

Jul 1, 2013

Letty D.

Ah gotcha. :) well, I would definitely suggest a liquid foundation, that's very light weight bc I use to have the same problem happen to me, but kinda differently. Same prob of being caked. One great foundation is true match by L'oreal:) it definitely looks natural, & try using makeup sponges like a beauty blender to get it evenly over the skin. Powders really do make the face all cakey, so whenever you do apply it, lightly dust it on after the liquid in you t zone area or wherever you may be oily. (If you're not oily, then skip it!) well, I really hope this helps you out dear!:)