Teeth! Help me please!


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Jun 23, 2013

Georgina E.

Ever since I got my braces, I really tried hard to look after my teeth because I didn't want them to discolour! My top set of teeth are always white but I can never get my bottom set of teeth to look as clean so they look discoloured! Any tips on what I could do? Help please 😊

Jun 23, 2013

Shelley H.

Whitening toothpaste? there's not much you can do other than watching what you eat and cleaning your teeth properly xx

Jun 23, 2013

Axita S.

Strawberry helped me whiten my teeth...

Jun 23, 2013

Faith E.

Mabey get a tooth whitening pen I like the one from go smile and just put it on the bottom of tour teeth to make it look more even.

Jun 23, 2013

Mary L.

I personally think you should not use whitening tooth paste wen you still have your braces on. since the area of teeth that is covered will not be able to be whitened. you might end up with white teeth but a yeelow square spot in the middle of your teeth.

Jun 23, 2013

Georgina E.

Thankyou everybody, but there's abit off a misunderstanding! My braces are off now and I'm currently wearing a removable retainer! Xx

Jun 23, 2013

Georgina E.

These are my new teeth! But they are a little discoloured at the bottom but ill try your tips thankyou! 😊😊

Jun 23, 2013

Margie R.

I like whitening strips, but all of my teeth were yellow. You could still try them though.

Jun 23, 2013

Georgina E.

Ok thanks.

Jun 24, 2013

Mary L.

I used white strips now for 2 days and my teeth felt terrible. it became super sensitive. and its really annoying. so I probably recommend to use it every other day. your gums or teeth might felt uncomfortable but it saids that it will go away in time, but for me, it stayed there from moring till now. felt horrible. you should go ask your dentist first since they know the aituation of your teeth.