5 Camouflage Cream Palette?


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For the Palette #5, what is each shade/colour for?
Thanks :)

Apr 1, 2012

Amanda J.

Here's one of beautylish's old articles. It's extremely helpful. And then as far as the other flesh-toned concealers, you can either buy one closest to your skin tone and use it for yourself if your skin color changes throughout the year. Like, tanner in the summer. I don't tan, I burn. So I typically only have one shade throughout the year. Palettes like that are normally used for client work, where you'll have multiple skin colors, so you'll have to mix & match to get the right color, you know? Here's the link to that article, though. http://www.beautylish.com/a/vcizy/color-correcting-your-complexion

^ thanks for the article :)

Apr 3, 2012

Amanda J.

Mmhmm, no problem. :)