Freshman year :)


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Jun 22, 2013

Liz D.

Going into freshman year, and don't want to spend a ton of time in the morning putting on makeup. At my middle school we couldn't wear makeup, so I'm lost. I also have acne problems. HELP.

Jun 22, 2013

Mj G.

Well have fun your freshman yr 1st of all!! And what I would do is use a like bb cream but 1 that can give you full coverage or a tinted moisturizer! I also recommend a concealer for any blemishes! And I wound just buy a cream color eyeshadow for everyday like the maybelline color tattoos! And a great mascara! Hope I helped! ~MJ❤

Jun 22, 2013

Vanessa W.

BB/CC cream, a little concealer on the blemishes (hard candy & dermablend are great ones), a little matte powder to set everything thru the day, some lipgloss, mascara and a little blush will look great :)

Jun 22, 2013

Lucy C.

Concealer,powder, mascara, and a tinted lip balm or lip gloss

Jun 22, 2013

Rebella A.

Eat healthy, stop eating porc and chocolate. Your acne will be gone for sure.

Jun 22, 2013

Rose Y.

Acne is genetic, some foods might affect your breakouts but it's not a direct factor to your acne. Talk to a dermatologist for that. Since you're going to be a freshman, I don't condone heavy makeup, keep it light so your youthfulness will show. Concealer, powder, mascara, a hint of blush and a lip balm will give you just enough coverage while making you look pretty, keeping your makeup simple, and not so overdone. Make sure you moisturize your face!

Jun 22, 2013

Liz D.

Thank you all so much!

Jun 22, 2013

Rebella A.

Yes it's genetic, mother and brother have a severe form of acne. When they became vegetarians it was all gone. My brother tried all of the medication and tricks and nothing worked.

Jun 23, 2013

Brittany O.

What works for some, may not work for others, if it bothers you go see a dermatologist and they can offer you a professional opinion! A bb cream or light foundation, mascara and concealer, blush and powder if needed and you'll look lovely :) remember to moisturize and drink lots of water to keep your skin hydrated!

Jun 23, 2013

Kymberlee G.

I'm a freshman too! Lol I don't have acne so I'm probably just going to wear mascara. But for acne you could wear concealer, mascara, and if you wanted to you could probably do a natural eye shadow look or something fun like that(:

Jun 23, 2013

Kymberlee G.

I'm a freshman too! Lol I don't have acne so I'm probably just going to wear mascara. But for acne you could wear concealer, mascara, and if you wanted to you could probably do a natural eye shadow look or something fun like that(:

Jun 23, 2013

Leah O.

Hmm well I would say concealer , some powder , mascara , eyes are always a go-to and look great on anyone.

Jun 23, 2013

Emma T.

I'd say Concealer and powder which is super easy and maybe liner! I'm out of high school but that's still generally all I wear.

Jun 23, 2013

Lauren M.

For your skin I would see a dermatologist! Also, eat properly and change your pillowcases every night! As soon as I started changing my pillowcases I started seeing a major improvement in my skin. :)
Now, makeup. Honestly, I think you should wear whatever it is you feel comfortable wearing, whether that means only tinted moisturizer and mascara or a full face of makeup. If it helps any when I was a freshman I would wear dramatic eyeliner looks with a pretty bare face. Honestly, I would've worn more if I had the products I do now.