Teeth won't grow in!!


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Jun 10, 2013

Jenna E.

So I have always been very slow at losing teeth. I lost my first one at age 9! Now I have braces and I got some teeth pulled (because I didn't want to wait for them to fall out) before they put the braces on. They have all grown in except two. It has been 10 months since they were pulled and they haven't grown in at all! PLEASE HELP! My ortho says they might have to do a procedure to get them to grow in. I don't want that!! So is there anyway I can make them come in faster? Massaging, eating certain stuff, anything?!?

Jenna C.

Jun 10, 2013

Jenna C.

Maybe taking vitamins? or growth hormones? how old are you.

Jun 10, 2013

Bridgette T.

I'm pretty sure you'd have to get the procedure lol it's your body growing and hormones probably aren't the best at such a young age. But I'm sure you can , talk to your ortho about other options.

Jun 10, 2013

Jenna E.

I'm 13

Jun 10, 2013

Karishma T.

Your teeth got pulled before they were ready so you're going to have to wait double the time for it to grow back in. Nothing you can do about it. :/

Jun 10, 2013

Sophie M.

I got mine pulled 2 y e a are s ago and nothing has grown back in!):

Jun 10, 2013

Chantal D.

Problem shouldn't have been pulled! The ortho jumped the fun now your body is confused and not ready, give it time, don't get the procedure yet! Wait a few years

Jun 10, 2013

Lolli S.

On my mom side some dnt grow adult teeth so they have bridges.

Jun 10, 2013

Amaris A.

I'm not very knowledgeable in this subject lol. but I would suggest taking vitamins!

Jun 10, 2013

Jenna E.

Well these teeth were the very first ones I was supposed to lose. And @sarah b. I am missing all four of my wisdom teeth too! YAYYY lol but I'm also missing a molar, so I will probably have to get an implant to compensate :-(

Jun 10, 2013

Emily W.

Just do what your orthodontist and dentist says. They went through several years of schooling, they know what they are doing. If you feel like they aren't doing a good job, see someone else for a second opinion. Otherwise, there's not really anything you can do. Teeth are a type of bone; other than making sure you have adequate calcium and don't get any cavities, they will erupt at their own rate.

Jun 11, 2013

Hanna A.

Hey Jenna, you have 32 permanent teeth and they all erupt at different ages. Most of your permanent teeth should have erupted by now, in most people the permanent teeth would have fully erupted by ages 12 - 14 years. With the exception of wisdom teeth ( the last molars ) which erupt between the ages 17- 25 years.

In the case of insufficient space or the tooth being in the wrong position, then you will experience a delay in eruption or it might not even erupt. These are cases where the tooth is considered to be impacted - meaning it might still be in the bone of the jaw, just unable to erupt. If this is the case, you will need dental treatment to correct its position and bring it into the jaw. Unfortunately no amount of vitamins or massaging will help move the teeth into it's correct position.

Your orthodontist would have taken an X Ray of your whole mouth prior to starting your treatment so he/she has a better view of the position of your teeth and accordingly draw out your treatment plan. I know it's frustrating but you will need to have patience for them to set your teeth in the right place.

I'm a dentist and have seen many cases where people have impacted teeth and need to be repositioned. So don't worry, it's not out of the ordinary. I myself had an impacted canine and had to undergo orthodontic treatment to correct it. It might sound scary but it is a necessary part of your treatment.All I can say is hang in there, patience is the key but once you're treatment is over it will be well worth it. Of course ask your Orthodontist about the treatment so you get a better idea of what the plan is, I'm sure he/she won't mind explaining it to you.

I hope I've been able to help explain things a little! Good luck love! :)