Can You Use Scrubs Everyday?


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Oct 1, 2013

Lucy C.

I got the st ives blackheads blemish control scrub and I was wondering if you could use it everyday or would it be too harsh?

Oct 1, 2013

Yolande P.

It should say on there? some you can some you can't a lot of beauty gurus and people on here swear by st.ives products so I guess you can.

Even if it's daily use you shouldn't exfoliate your skin every day, it will over stimulate the skin and cause it to produce excess oils and get irritated. If you're really worried about black heads try salicylic acid, it dissolves them layer by layer

Oct 1, 2013

Yolande P.

I use a exfoliating gloves everyday I know they are different it has got rid of my dead dry skin and made my pores smaller but I'm not sure there is a clean & clear scrub my sister has which says daily use and my mum has a 1 2 3 step face wash and 2 is a scrub which she can use everyday it may depend on the chemicals and the size of the bead like the actual scrubby stuff.

Oct 1, 2013

Honey E.

Also a lot of exfoliating scrub can scar your skin if you use it too much.

Oct 1, 2013

Tina S.

In agreement with Brittany f, it's possibly works temporarily but striping layers and causes the skin to over produce oil. even if it says daily- I use one every 2 days =]

Oct 1, 2013

Grace C.

I use the same thing:) I use it 2 times a week. just don't use it everyday.

Oct 1, 2013

Madison S.

No cause it over drys your skin causing it to lose the good oils your skin needs

Oct 2, 2013

Ty R.

I wouldn't. Twice a week is good enough.

Oct 2, 2013

Kelly C.

Every 2-3 days.

Oct 2, 2013

Jennifer E.

No the apricot one is really grainy and harsh. you should only use it like 2 a week. But there's one that's green tea scrub and it's more suitable for sensitive skin.

Oct 2, 2013

Jennifer E.

twice a week*

Oct 3, 2013

Aubrey C.

If it's the apricot scrub, I'd highly advise against daily use. If it has tiny tiny tiiiiiny granules in it, then maybe. Otherwise use it once or twice a week.