Which Naked Palette would you recommend?


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Oct 6, 2013

Anastasia T.

Which Urban Decay Palette do you like the best? Naked 1 or Naked 2?

Oct 6, 2013

Anastasia T.

Oct 6, 2013

Ashley D.

Naked has more warm tones while Naked 2 has cooler tones. Both are equal quality wise but the one you like depends on your color preference.

Oct 6, 2013

Melly C.

I like naked 2.

Oct 6, 2013

Sarah N.

Naked 2!! I have both but I enjoy using 2 better!😊

It depends.
The naked two is a great starter pallete, it has a lot of basic necessities and it's more cool toned

The naked 1 is nice if you have a decently eyeshadow collection already because it has a more unique color range

Oct 6, 2013

Juliet M.

Everyone likes naked 2 better (from what I've heard) but I would prefer naked 1... I love the 2 blues in the first palette.

Oct 6, 2013

Sarah C.

Neither, lorac pro palette all the way.