Best Toner?


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Jul 15, 2013

Isabel M.

What is then best all natural toner? I have heard apple cider vinegar, and witch hazel , does anyone have results and opinions on them? Or another one to try?

Jul 15, 2013

Jamie B.

I don't know any home remedies but try Clinique toner ;)

Jul 15, 2013

Alaina M.

Lemon! its natural, convenient and zaps balckheads.

Jul 15, 2013

Grace P.

Clinique or Burt's bees!

Jul 15, 2013

Alaina M.

Clean and clear is also a good one.

Jul 15, 2013

Katie R.

Witch hazel is really good, there are so many reviews of it online. I have been using it for less than a month but I've already noticed that it's prevented any breakouts since the first day. It doesn't bother my sensitive skin at all, in fact it reduces the redness in my skin. My pores and skin's smoothness just looks nicer overall as well. And it's really cheap at any drugstore!!

Jul 15, 2013

Isabel M.

Thank you ladies!