Can you ladies stop with the rude comments seriously.


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Jul 15, 2013

Gabby C.

Just stop, they are just asking for advice,tips not rude or unnecessary comments.

Jul 15, 2013

Karen S.

They're not going to stop. trust me I've tried this. some people are just really ignorant.

Jul 15, 2013

Karen S.

But I so agree with you ::

Jul 15, 2013

Lucy L.

Agreed! why do ppl waste time typing something rude?? why not just move on and let things be? some ppl need help with things others may have already figured out so why put them down for it??

Jul 15, 2013

Alyssa M.

Oh my goodness, I couldn't agree more! I go on here to get advice and CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on my makeup looks and some people just don't know how to use their filter. There are 12 year olds on this website who have more sense than the older ladies on this site. It is so ridiculous and unnecessary. Its sad that people have to make topics like this to stop the rude comments! I'm sorry for my rant but it had to be said...

Jul 15, 2013

Rachel H.

Okay, I'm really not trying to start any argument here but I would like to add my two cents.

While I agree I see some very blantantly outrageous comments on here, I also see some really (in my opinion) outrageous threads. I love the information I'm able to give and receive on this website, but I do wish there were multiple moderators and a little bit stricter guidlines to follow. The posts am I pretty? Am I fat? Should I get liposuction? I find these all really rediculous honestly. Someone will come back and say maybe these people don't have anyone to compliment them in their life, which may be true, but I feel like anyone willing to put the decision of surgery in complete strangers hands, should seek professional help for their own benefit. This is the Internet, and people can and will say whatever they want, and frankly I feel like with some of these posts, if you are only looking for compliments, maybe they shouldn't even post it. The Internet never has been or will be the best place for overly sensitive people.

Jul 15, 2013

Faith E.

Ikr it bugs me -.-

Jul 15, 2013

Savannah H.

Young girls and even some women have taken the opportunity of what BL is all about, a support system, informational, learning experience and helping community, and turned it into their own bully site. They like making people feel bad and this is the holy grail for them to do so. They can hide behind their profiles and be bitc...well you know. and yes, I'm so annoyed at the, " am I pretty, am I fat, isn't my hair pretty..." I wish there were at least an age limit in here. that would cut out a lot of rifraf.

Jul 15, 2013

Deniella K.

The only thing that I found that works is if you see something that bothers you whether it is a person or thread just email the moderators and do not reply to the problem because that will just egg them on to continue. the moderators are amazing and they will take care of it. It sucks not to be able to defend what you believe or voice your opinion but sometimes it's better to not say anything 🙊