Dry, cracked peeling skin?


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Jul 12, 2013

Barbara L.

I recently got a sunburn and now I'm peeling but for some reason my nose is TERRIBLE! It's scanned up and rough and cracked. I can't wear foundation over it because it looks weird, so how can I get rid of this fast? (Other than using Aloe, I already am.) It doesn't hurt like a sunburn anymore, it's passed that point.

Jul 12, 2013

Courtney B.

Moisturize like crazy! At night put on a thick layer of a night moisturizing cream. Gently exfoliate with a washcloth to get off dead skin. And wear sunscreen so it doesn't get worse!

Jul 12, 2013

Bridget B.

Yeah that happened to be (not nearly as bad) but thankfully it was like the last week of school left until break.. but anyways I moisturized every second I could and I drank a lot of water just to stay hydrated and I did that for a week or so and then I used an exfoliater and gently massaged it and that seemed to do the trick.. just don't go out in the sun without an spf like 50 or more so you.don't do further damage..