What Are Your Vacation Essentials??


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Jul 22, 2013

Mackenzie S.

What are the most important things that you take on vacation? Beauty and non beauty(:

Jul 23, 2013

Alexa M.

Makeup for sure! Hair ties (if you have long enough hair), variety of styles of clothes, tampons (or pads) hahah.. I like sneakers so sneakers like vans or converse, money, toothbrush and toothpaste, PHONE CHARGER, medicine (for headaches or problems I don't know) but yeah I'm probably forgetting something but that stuffs pretty important..👌

Jul 24, 2013

Michelle H.

Hair brush thoothpaste and brush extra money phone and charger a book incase I get bored a sweatshirt cause I get cold easy and a pen incase I can get or give a number.

Jul 24, 2013

Micheala S.

Basically what michelle and alexa said and also I bring my 3ds games and sometimes if the place allows it my cat and my sisters puppy.